Fundraising Questions


What is the difference between an ASB donation and Booster Club donation?

ASB:  One of the capabilities of the Issaquah High School ASB (All Student Body) is it provides basic funding for all extra-curricular activities at Issaquah High School. ASB funding comes from the sale of student ASB cards, fundraising, and donations. Grant requests can be made to the ASB for additional program needs.  All ASB funding requests for IHS clubs/activities/sports go through an approval process that starts with ASB, then if needed proceeds to the Booster Club.    To learn more about the wonderful ways ASB supports our students, click here.  

Booster Club: The Issaquah High School Booster Club is a separate 501c3 that also fundraises on behalf of all extra-curricular programs (clubs/activities/sports) at Issaquah High School.  Donor dollars given to the Booster Club have more flexibility than donations given to ASB.  The Booster Club relies on membership funds annually to provide grants, scholarships, recognition awards, and much more.  

Both ASB and Booster Club maintain separate budget line items (accounts) for each activity/club/sport that carry a balance.  Designated giving is an option.  


What are the options for giving directly to specific programs?  (for Booster Club Donors)

BOOSTER CLUB:  Checks can be written straight to Issaquah High School Booster Club, designated for a particular club/activity/sport.  This is a benefit for Booster Club Members.  Please join Booster Club before making any dedicated donations.  Booster Club general membership dollars are needed in order to elevate all extra-curricular activities at IHS through grants, scholarships, recognition awards, and much more. 

ISD PayOnline (non ISD Families): Donations can be made directly through the ISD online payment system (Touchable), designated to any club/activity/Sport.  Funds deposited into a designated account under ASB.

ISD Pay online for ISD Families:  Clubs/Activities/Sports can have items added to student accounts as options to purchase, much like purchasing a yearbook, etc.  Funds deposited into a designated account under ASB.


What are other ways the Booster Club supports clubs/activities/sports fundraising efforts?

Booster Club has a weekly "Booster Buzz" email that goes out to all donors.  All clubs, activities, and sports are encouraged to submit their fundraising efforts in that publication for wider advertising.  

With Booster Club approval, clubs, activities and sports may use the Booster Club's non-profit number in their fundraising efforts. Third-party fundraising companies may be helpful in fundraising success. The Booster ByLaws stipulate that third-party fundraising fees may not exceed 5% without Booster Club membership approval.

Organizations that fall within the acceptable fundraising fee structure include but are not limited to: GoFundMe, Square, Kickstarter, Crowdrise, First Giving, FundRazr etc.