
2024-2025 School Year

The Booster Club is a volunteer organization that supports ALL extra-curricular programs at Issaquah High School: including ALL sports, ALL clubs and ALL activities like dance team & cheer, in addition to co-curriculars like band & DECA. 



When you Join Boosters, you help:          

  • Boosters provides financial support whenever possible
  • Boosters supports ALL CLUBS. ALL SPORTS. ALL ACTIVITIES at Issaquah High School
  • Boosters provides clubs & sports the ability to fundraise
  • Boosters works to foster & improve school spirit

Only IHS Booster Club members receive our weekly Booster Buzz newsletter which highlights & recaps the week's events and achievements of the IHS students.  Click here to see an example: Booster Buzz sample

IHS Boosters is a 501©3 nonprofit organization - membership fees and donations are tax deductible. 


2025 Seniors! 

Check out the Issaquah Boosters Scholarship Program

Applications received February 1 - April 21

Apply Now



Next meeting: April 8 at 6:00pm at the IHS Library. All Booster Club members are welcome to attend. Come check out what is happening. Meetings typically last 60-90 minutes. 

Recently approved motions: 

  • APPROVED: Grant to purchase a Scorer Table for the main IHS gym. In addition to provide a better placement for game scorers, the table will provide ad space to help generate incremental funding for the teams. $11,135.79
  • APPROVED: Grant to support DECA International Career Development Conference: $5,000
  • APPROVED: Grant to support Special Olympics Senior Banners: $200.
  • APPROVED:  Grant to build and install softball net for $7,638.28
  • APPROVED: Leveraging General Funds to give back to clubs and teams as follows:
    • Clubs with <100 members that reach 70% Booster Membership receive $300
    • Clubs with <100 members that reach 85% Booster Membership receive $500
    • Clubs >100 members that reach 80% membership receive $1000
    • Estimated funding of $8,300 which is within budget.



IHS Logo-wear is our Issaquah High School "Spirit" gear. Merchandise with the Issaquah High School logos and colors - worn by students and parents alike - to show their spirit for Issaquah High School! Logo wear proceeds provide vital funding for the Booster Grant Fund. 

Opportunity to Volunteer!  Help sell logo wear at events throughout the year?  Sign up or view schedule HERE

Questions? Contact logowear.ihsboosters@gmail.com

Help IHS programs in their fundraising efforts by dining at the Issaquah locations of the partner restaurant on the designated night. A percentage of the proceeds goes to benefit the designated program. Make sure to mention the program you are supporting! Thank you to the restaurants and the community for the support! 
- April 1, Tipsy Cow, Track & Field to fund Senior Event, Team Food and Snacks.
- April 2, Mod Pizza, Choir to fund awards, transport, accompanist, and other expenditures.
- April 24, Mod Pizza, Track & Field to fund Senior Events, Team Food and Snacks, End of Year Banquet.
- May 26, Burgermaster, Choir to fund awards, accompanist, end of year banquet, and other expenditures.
- June 9, Burgermaster, Girls Swim and Dive to fund logo wear, senior banners, food for events, spirit wear.


Volunteer Help Needed! Part of what makes our community special is our amazing volunteers that help to support our students. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. This is a fun way to give support and get involved.
Students can now help at Concessions!  Student can sign up to work in the Concession stand & help their IHS extracurricular program fundraise during spring sports! For more information, please visit our Concessions page.
  • President:  Denise Jaeschke 
  • Executive Vice President:  Eric Alverdes 
  • Secretary: Marci Lewis 
  • Treasurers: Stacey Sunderland & Ayana Meissner 
  • Membership: Amy Gibbons & Kelly Mullet 
  • Logowear Committee: Karen Sperry, Alex Rosenstein, Erika Heesacker, Brooke Sullivan, Lisa Pennington 
  • Communications Chair: Will Tuttle
  • Social Media Chair: Jennifer Harrington 
  • Student Recognition: Molly Dorr 
  • Another Eagle Goes to State: Karissa Mobilia 
  • Concessions: Kevin Stephens, Ivy Rosenthal, Ayana Meissner  

Show and share your support 

Check out the awesome shared and professional pictures every week on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Special thanks to the many passionate parents for supplying these incredible moments.

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